Social mediarites - women of the world need you!
With International Women's Day looming at the end of this week (March 8th) I want to know what you will be doing to support plights of our world's women!
Amnesty International UK are calling on all you social media users to support their campaigns. This can be done through a variety of means....
Amnesty are asking all of you who have Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or other social networking accounts to post their 'oneten' logo as your profile picture to show your support!
The logo, along the statistics behind the OneTen campaign can be viewed here.
As well as many women suffering throughout this world due to a variety of reasons, Amnesty are also keen to celebrate females who have helped fellow women, local groups and the international community.
This year Amnesty are holding a fun photo exchange with their counterparts in Turkey. The exchange, which is hosted on Flickr, encourages the public to post photos of themselves with women who have inspired them! Please head here to contribute and view my recently posted picture!
If you would like any further information on Amnesty International's campaigns I strongly suggest you head over to their website, or follow Amnesty International UK's Twitter profile!

Amnesty International UK are calling on all you social media users to support their campaigns. This can be done through a variety of means....
Amnesty are asking all of you who have Facebook, Twitter, Myspace or other social networking accounts to post their 'oneten' logo as your profile picture to show your support!
The logo, along the statistics behind the OneTen campaign can be viewed here.
As well as many women suffering throughout this world due to a variety of reasons, Amnesty are also keen to celebrate females who have helped fellow women, local groups and the international community.
This year Amnesty are holding a fun photo exchange with their counterparts in Turkey. The exchange, which is hosted on Flickr, encourages the public to post photos of themselves with women who have inspired them! Please head here to contribute and view my recently posted picture!
If you would like any further information on Amnesty International's campaigns I strongly suggest you head over to their website, or follow Amnesty International UK's Twitter profile!

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