Once again - I stray off the musical topic - but hey, you are used to that now aren't you?
So ok, quick pop quiz:
1. Who has heard of the Linux distribution Ubuntu?
That's right, the Ubuntu software brand has become increasingly well known and popular over the past few years!
The term 'Ubuntu' directly refers to an African philosophy that describes humanity towards others.
In 1998, Nelson Mandela explained Ubuntu as follows:
3. Who has tasted the Faritrade Foundation Certified Ubuntu Cola?
2. Who knows of the African philosophy of Ubuntu?
The term 'Ubuntu' directly refers to an African philosophy that describes humanity towards others.
In 1998, Nelson Mandela explained Ubuntu as follows:
Ubuntu does not mean that people should not address themselves. The question therefore is: Are you going to do so in order to enable the community around you to be able to improve |
3. Who has tasted the Faritrade Foundation Certified Ubuntu Cola?
No, well Ubuntu Cola is a new and exciting brand that encompasses the African ideals of Ubuntu!
Ubuntu Cola was the first cola in the UK to get the Fairtrade Mark (back in 2007) and it fizzes with Fairtrade sugar from the Kasinthula Cooperative in Malawi and from the Kaleya Cooperative in Zambia. This means that every time you drink an Ubuntu Cola you are directly taking part in the Fairtrade movement – contributing to long term development and real opportunities for African communities.
I first tasted the Cola back in my university shop and really quite liked it. Not only does it have a great flavour, but you also get a great after taste of self satisfaction knowing that you have given farmers in Malawi a fair price for their wears!

If you live in the UK, Norway, Sweeden or Ireland you can check your local shops for Ubuntu Cola!
If not, why not head over to the online shop to buy yourself some - and why not read the Ubuntu blog, or check out Andy Cato of Groove Armada's video whilst you are there!
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