Ok, from previous mentions, some readers may have cottoned on that I shall soon be fleeing the UK shores to become Eurotrash, more specifically, a Brussels resident.
My move to Belgium will have two direct influences on this blog:
- Brussels has a huge jazz scene, so I hope to write short reviews on all the bands, groups and artists I watch and listen to. I especially hope to write a series of blogs running up to, and during the Brussels Jazz Marathon, which will showcase over 400 artists, in 125 free concerts over three days at the end of May!
- In an effort to update family, friends and anyone else who cares, I shall be starting a short video blog. The short video blog will include daily developments of my expatriation experiences! You can view the video blog by subscribing to my YouTube Channel. Alternatively you can view the videos individually at the bottom of any page in my blog!
Anyone can freely follow me on Twitter, and of course, visit / comment on the blog!
Until next time, au revoir . . .
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