Day 5 of my Brussels life took my European adventure to whole new levels.
The day began as planned with a short stroll around some tourist highlights of the city, followed by a Couch Surfing event.
The event was a house show, in which four young and very talented artists from across Europe entertained us all with their very different musical styles. The couch surfers chatted, drank some beer, ate some food and listened to some really great music. My video blog shown below shows a few shots of the event, but to see and hear full tracks of all the artists, please visit my YouTube channel over the next few days! Apologies to the artists, I did not get your contact details, names or track titles, but if you contact me I can update this information!
The rest of the day didn't continue as planned. Recent friends I have made decided late Sunday night that we should go on a road trip. This impromptu road trip, took us down many roads, through many mountains, over countless provinces and to a number of EU countries!
Again, clips of the journey can be seen in the video below, but for a full run down on our crazy, yet tiring adventure, visit my YouTube channel over the next few days!