This weekend, on the 12th – 14th September 2009, the Swedish Presidency has arranged a conference on the EU’s future youth policy framework. Youth representatives, directors-general and officials from all EU Member States, as well as applicant and EFTA countries, have been invited to the conference. A number of selected experts in the field of youth from different parts of Europe will also be in attendance.
The purpose of the conference is to give the participants an opportunity to meet and discuss the substance of future EU youth policy cooperation. The consultations will be based on a series of previous efforts, such as the European Commission’s communication 'An EU Strategy for Youth – Investing and Empowering', the Member States’ evaluations of the current cooperation in the area of youth policy, the European Youth Forum's (YFJ) shadow report, and the output from the 'Youth Event on Future EU Youth Policy meeting' during the Czech Presidency.
The results will contribute to the discussions in the Council Working Party on Youth. The decision on a new framework for youth policy cooperation will then be taken by the Council on the 26th & 27th November 2009.
The conference this weekend will be attended by some 250 participants, of whom an equally large number will consist of directors-general and officials, and of youth representatives. In addition to the two experienced facilitators, an internationally renowned lecturer and several pop artists will contribute to the conference.As a Young UK Ambassador, I, along side fellow ambassador Jaffer Hussain will be in attendance as the UK representatives.The Young UK Ambassadors is a new international representation project run in partnership by the British Youth Council, Funky Dragon, Northern Ireland Youth Forum, Scottish Youth Parliament and UK Youth Parliament.
We Young UK Ambassadors are a team of 15 young people (aged 16-25) who will represent all UK Young People at international events like European Union, Commonwealth or United Nations conferences as well as consulting on international issues here in the UK. There are 3 young people from each of the partner organisat

ions so they come from all over the UK and between them, they have a wide range of different backgrounds and experiences that they bring to the project.
Ahead of the conference this weekend in Stockholm, myself and Jaffer have been attempting to consult with as many young people across the UK as possible to ensure we effectively represent a cross section of views in our participation! If you are reading this before the 10th of September 2009, we may still be able to represent your views on this European platform. Please spend just a few minutes of your time today to visit our survey so that we can be the vessel for your voice this weekend!
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